GURU BESAR | NIP 195811101984032001
Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir | Yogyakarta, 10 November 1959 |
| |
Alamat Kantor | Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada Jalan Fauna No. 3 Bulaksumur Karangmalang, Yogyakarta 55281 |
Nomor Telephon/Fax |
Alamat email | |
Lulusan yang telah dihasilkan | S1 = > 30 ORANG S2 = 5 Orang S3 = 4 Orang |
Mahasiswa yang sedang dibimbing | S1 = 9 Orang S2 = 2 Orang S3 = 3 Orang |
Mata Kuliah yang Diampu | S1:
S2: ñ Nutrisi Ruminansia ñ Nutrisi Aneka Ternak dan Hewan Laboratorium ñ Methodology Penelitian Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak ñ Instrumentasi ñ Nutrisi Komparatif S3: Physiology Nutrisi Ruminansia
2.1. Program: | S1 | S2 | S3 |
2.2 Nama PT | Universitas Gadjah Mada | Ecole National Superieur Agriculture et des Industrie Alimentaire-Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine. (ENSAIA-INPL) Perancis | Ecole National Superieur Agriculture et des Industrie Alimentaire-Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine. (ENSAIA-INPL) Perancis |
2.3. Bidang Ilmu | Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak | Animal Production- Nutrisi | Animal Production- Nutrisi |
2.4.Tahun Masuk | 1978 | 1988 | 1989 |
2.5. Tahun Lulus | 1983 | 1989 | 1992 |
2.6. Judul Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi | Tema: Evaluasi pakan berserat menggunakan formaldehida | Tema: Nutrisi ruminansia | Effts sur la digestion chez le ruminant de modifications de la teneur en azote associe aux parois vegetales |
2.7. Nama Pembimbing/Promotor | Prof. Djoemantoro | Prof. B. Vignon Dr. G. BLanchart | Prof. B. Vignon Dr. G. BLanchart |
No | Tahun | Topik/Judul Penelitian | Sumber Dana |
1 | 2016 – 2018 | Upaya peningkatan produktivitas kambing kacang sebagai plasma nutfah Indonesia melalui pendekatan komprehensif pakan dan pemeliharaan : Penggunaan pakan sumber protein yang bersifat ruminally undegraded dan Protein Digestible Intestine tinggidikombinasikan dengan Pakan yang mempunyai sifat anthelmintic agent | PUPT-MENRISTEK DIKTI |
2 | 2017 | Suplementasi Sumber Energi Cepat terdegradasi dan Asam Lemak Rantai Panjang pada pakan campuran Rumput-legum : Efek pada kecernaan, karakteristik Fermentasi Rumen, dan produksi gas Metan secara In Vitro. | Pasca sarjana Fakultas Peternakan UGM |
3 | 2016 | Penggunaan Ransum Mengandung Undegraded protein dan agent Anthelmintika untuk meningkatkan Produksi kambing kacang | Pasca sarjana Fakultas Peternakan UGM |
4 | 2015 | Pola Pengembangan Agro Industri Kambing Bligon Berbasis Plasma Inti: Study Kelayakan Pembentukan Kawasan Ekonomi Berbasis Kambing Bligon di GunungKidul (Anggota) | BOPTN UGM |
5 | 2014 | Efikasi Bawang PutihdanJintan Hitam sebagai Natural Antibiotics untuk Meningkatkan Produktivitas Ternak dan Kualitas Daging Unggas | RKAT FAPET UGM |
6 | 2013 | Evaluasi Protein terproteksi menggunakan Metode In Sacco rumen.(Peneliti I) | PASCA SARJANA FAPET UGM |
7 | 2013 | Pembuatan pakanLengkap (Total Mixed Ration, TMR) untukKambingPeranakanEttawaberbasispakanlokal di dikelompokWanitaTani-Gama Turgo Lestari, DusunTurgo, Purwobinangun, PakemSleman, Yogyakarta (Anggota) | LPPM UGM Fapet UGM |
8 | 2013 | Penguatankegiatanpenelitian di LaboratoriumIlmuMakananFapet UGM. Pengembangan Plasma NutfahKambingberbasisPenggunaan Protein pakan yang Rendahdegradasinya di rumen. (Peneliti I) | LPPM UGM |
9 | 2012 | Penguatankegiatanpenelitian di LaboratoriumIlmuMakananFapet UGM: Efekhijauanpakanternak yang mengandungtaninterhadapparasitsaluranpencernaandanproduktivitasKambingBligon (Peneliti I) | LPPM UGM |
10 | 2012 | Mineral status of Bligon Goat and Quail (Peneliti I) | RKAT Fapet |
11 | 2012 | Utilization of Jackfruit and Calliandra for ruminants as agent of anthelmintic(Peneliti I) | PASCA Sarjana Fapet/RKAT FApet |
12 | 2011 | Utilization of Calliandra for ruminants and poultry (Peneliti I) | RKAT Fapet |
13 | 2011 | Development of animal production system at TurgoMerapi (Peneliti I) | Orskov Foundation, The Macaulay Land Used Research Institute, Aberdeen, UK Westhill Rotary Club, Aberdeen, UK |
14 | 2010 | Utilization of DDGS for ruminants and poultry (Peneliti I) | RKAT Fapet |
15 | 2010 | The measurement of rate of passage using alkane as a marker on sheep fed perennial gras and hay | Sabattical Leave Dikti |
16 | 2009 | The measurement of rate of passage using alkane as a marker on sheep fed perennial gras and hay | Stapeldon Trust Scotland Gov. |
17 | 2009 | Pengukurankecernaannutrien di Rumen danPasca Rumen | HibahKompetensi |
19 | 2008-sekarang (Mandiri) | Development of animal production system at the rural areas (2000-present) | 2000-2009: DelPhe (British Council) 2010- saatini:Mandiri |
No. | Judul tulisan | Tim Penulis | Tahun Terbit | Nama Jurnal |
1 | Improved Productivity of Kacang Goats Reared by Farmers Using Balanced Retions with Different Sources of Protein. | Kustantinah R. Adiwinarti I.G.S. Budisatria Rusman E. Indarto | 2017 | Pakistan Jounal of Nutrition, ISSN 1680-5194 | | |||| | |||| | ||||
2 | Physicochemical Characteristics, in Vitro Fermentation Indicators, Gas Production Kinetics, and Degradability of Solid Herbal Waste as Alternative Feed Sourse for Ruminants, Media Peternakan, August 2017, 40(2) : 101-110Penulis be 3 dari 4 | Kisworo, A. Agus, Kustantinah, & B. Suwignyo | 2017 | Journal of Animal Science and Technology( IPB), ISSN : 012-0472 EISSN 2087 – 4634, Accredited by Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening no : 36b/E/KPT/2016, | | |||| | |||| | ||||
3 | Genetic Analysis using Partial Sequencing of Melanocortin 4 Receptor (MC4R) Gene in Bligon Goat, (Scopus). Penulis ke 4 dari 5 | Latifah, DA Priyadi, D.Maharani, Kustantinah, dan T Hartatik | 2017 | Media Peternakan, August 2017, 40(2) : 71-77, Journal of Animal Science and Technology (IPB), ISSN: 012-0472 EISSN 2087 -4634, Accredited by Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening no: 36b/E/KPT/2016. Jurnal Internasional | | |||| | |||| | ||||
4 | Improving the Performance of Local Kacang Goats Using Ruminally Undegradable Protein,Feeds (Penulis ke 2 dari 5), | RetnoAdiwinartiKustantinah, I.Gede S. Budisatria, | 2016
| ASIAN Journal of Animal Science, Jurnal International, vol.10, Number 4-5, 262-267. ISSN : 1818 -1879 |
Rusman and E. Indarto | | ||| | |||| | ||||
5 | Physicochemical Characteristics Identification and Secondary Metabolite Analysis of Solid Herbal Waste as Source of Feed Rich Fiber and Supplement for Ruminants | A.N. Kisworo, A. Agus, Kustantinah, & B. Suwignyo |
2016 | Animal Production. 18(2): 75-84, May, 2016, Accredited by DGHE no . 81/DiKTI/Kep./2011.ISSN 1411-2027 Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi | | ||||
6 | Konsumsi dan Kecernaan Nutrien Pada Kambing Kacang Yang Mendapat Pakan Tambahan Sumber Protein Di Kelompok Wanita Sumber Rejeki, Wonolagi, Gunungkidul | Kustantinah, Edwin Indarto, NanungDanarDono, Zuprizal, danSitiZubaidah | 2016 | Prosiding SIMPOSIUM NASIONAL PenelitiandanPengembanganPeternakanTropik |
7 | Potensi dan Produksi Hijauan Pakan Ternak Di Lahan Pertanian Banyusoco Playen, Gunungkidul | Nafiatul Umami, B. Suhartanto, E.Damayanti, RistiantoUtomo, Lies MiraYusiati Kustantinah, ChusnulHanim, ZaenalBachrudin, danMuhlisin | 2016 | Prosiding SIMPOSIUM NASIONAL PenelitiandanPengembanganPeternakanTropik |
8 | Improving the Performance of Local Kacang Goats Using Ruminally Undegradable Protein Feeds | RetnoAdiwinarti,Kustantinah, I.Gede S. Budisatria, Rusman and E. Indarto | 2016 | ASIAN Journal of Animal Science htps:// |
9 | Nutritional Status Evaluation of Grazed Yearling Kacang Bucks Estimated using Lignin Internal Indicator | RetnoAdiwinarti,Kustantinah, I.G S.Budisatria, Rusman and E. Indarto | 2015 | Animal Production. 17(3): 138-143, Sept 2015, Accredited by DGHE no . 81/DiKTI/Kep./2011.ISSN 1411-2027, Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi | | ||||
10 | Performance and Meat Quality of thin Tailed Sheep in Supplementary Feeding lemuru , Fish oil Protected by Saponification with Defferent NaOh Concentration (Penulis ke 4 dari 4), | Agustinah Setyaningrum, Soeparno, Lies Mira Yusiati, dan Kustantinah | 2015 | Animal Production. 17(3):177-185, Sept 2015 , Accredited by DBHE no 81/DIKTI/Kep./2011.ISSN.1411-2027, Jurnal Nasional terakreditasi | | ||||
11 | Edible portion of carcass and offal of Indonesian yearling Kacang buck fed ruminallyundegradable protein | RetnoAdiwinartiI.GedeSuparta Budisatria, Kustantinah, Rusman, E. Indarto, and A. Purnomoadi | 2016 | ASIAN Journal of Animal Science | | ||||
12 | Anthelminthic Efficacy of GliricidiaSepium, CalliandraCalothyrsus, and ArtocarpusHeterophyllus by in Vitro Measurement Against HaemanchusContortus Worm | Kustantinah, W.Setyono, N.D. Dono and E.R. Ørskov | 2014 | Proccedings of The 16 th AAAP Congress, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
13 | Growth Rate, Nutrient-Energy Efficiency, and Profile of Gastro-Intestinal Tract of New Lohmann Broiler Chickens Fed Diets Containing TurmericMeal | NanungDanarDono,Zuprizal, Edwin Indarto and Kustantinah | 2014 | Proccedings of The 16 th AAAP Congress, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
14 | The Effectivity Formaldehyde Dillution as Protein Protector on Gaseous Production of High Protein Feedstuffs | Kustantinah, NanungDanarDono, Zuprizal, E. Indarto, BramajiWisnu and A. Iskandar | 2014 | Proccedings of The 16 th AAAP Congress, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
15 | Nutrition Status of Female Bligon Goat Fed Diets Containing Undegraded Protein SUpplement | Ahmad IskandarSetiyawan,Kustantinah, Subu rPriyono Sasmito Budhi, Zuprizal and Nanung Danar Dono | 2014 | Proccedings of The 16 th AAAP Congress, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
16 | The Chemical Composition and Various Samples Preparation Methods for In Vitro Test of Two Tropical Feeds. | J Daryatmo, Kustantinah, ER Orskov | 2014 | Journal of the Indonesian Tropical Animal Agriculture, Vol. 39, 2014, hal: 98-103. ISSN: 2087-8273. Penulis ke 2 dari 3. No: 81/SIKTI/Kep/2011No. 2, Juni | | ||||
17 | In Sacco Degradability of Six Different Tropical Feedstuffs penulis ke 2 dari 4. | 2014 | The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress, 10-14 November 2014, hal: 376-379, | |…/283506869_In_Sacco_Degradability_of_Six_Different_… | ||||
18 | Pengaruh Penambahan Formaldehid pada Pembuatan Undegraded Protein dan Tingkat Suplementasinya pada Pelet Pakan Lengkap terhadap Aktivitas Mikrobia Rumen secara In Vitro. penulis ke 3 dari 6. | Bambang Suhartanto, Ristanto Utomo ,Kustantinah (Kustantinah), I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Lies Mira Yusiati, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto | 2014 | Buletin Peternakan Vol. 38 (3), hal: 141-149, Oktober 2014,Jurnal Nasional |
19 | Dairy Goat Milk and Composition in So-called Developing Countries | Orskov, Agil R, Kustantinah | Proceeding The 2nd Asian-Australasian Dairy Goat Conference ISBN 978-602-96530-3-8 hal: 37-41 – | |
20 | Doe Productivity of Boerawa Goat Under Rural Condition | Kusumo Adhianto, N Ngadiyomo, IGS Budisatria, Kustantinah | 2013 | Journal Animal Production Vol 15 Tahun 2013 ( Acceptence) |
21 | Motalitas dan Abnormalitas Spermatozoa Domba Yang Diencerkan dengan Lesitin Kacang Kedelai (soybean lecithin) selama penyimpanan pada suhu 5 celcius | M Socheh,Ismaya, I Gede Suparta Budisatria, Kustantinah | 2012 | Jurnal Agrisains Vol 13(1) April 2012 |
22 | Lama Kebuntingan, Litter Size, dan Bobot Lahir Kambing Boerawa pada Pemeliharaan Perdesaan di Kecamatan Gisting Kabupaten Tanggamus | Kusumo Adhianto, N Ngadiyomo, IGS Budisatria, Kustantinah
| 2012 | Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Terapan Vol 12(2), Mei 2012 |
23 | Tenderness and the calpain system of three different types of muscles of Kejobong does under two different energy levels. | Socheh, M., Ismaya, I.G.S. Budisatria, Kustantinah | 2012 | Animal Production 14(1):47-55. |
24 | The effect f supplement and forage offering to goats on nutrients intake and digestibility | A.Kustantinah, H. Hartadi, B. Suhartanto, R. Fathoni Hadi, R. Melano. | 2012 | Proceedings of the 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Thailand |
25 | In sacco degradability of legume and non-legune forages in rumen of Ongole grade cows | R.F. Hadi, A. Kustantinah, H. Hartadi | 2012 | Proceedings of the 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Thailand |
26 | The effect of soymilk by product supplemented in the ration on growth performance of male broiler chicken | E. Indarto, A. Hantoro, N.N.Danardono, Zuprizal, Kustantinah | 2012 | Proceedings of the 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Thailand |
27 | The effect of using dried distillers grain with soluble (DDGS) with lower energy in feed on carcass, abdomen fat and liver of broiler | E. Indarto, Zuprizal, Kustantinah, Jamhari, F. Zahra | 2012 | Proceedings of the 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Thailand |
28 | Kecernaan In Sacco HijauanLeguminosadanHijauan Non –Leguminosadalam Rumen SapiPeranakanOngole | Rendi Fathoni Hadi, Kustantinah, Hari Hartadi | 2011 | BuletinPeternakanFakultasPeternakanniversitasGadjahMada Vol. 35 (2)Halaman: 79-85 ISSN: 01264400 |
29 | Role of women in ensuring adequate security in Indonesia: Lesson to be learned. | Kustantinah, A; Hartadi, H; Suhartanto, B; Utomo, R; Yusiati, L.M; Agus, A and Ørskov, E.R | 2011 | Livestock Research for Rural Development Vol 23, No 11 On line journal. Retrieved July 20, 2012, from http://www.lrrd. Org/lrrd23/11/ kust23230.htm |
30 | Kecernaan In Sacco Hijauan Leguminosa dan Hijauan Non –Leguminosa dalam Rumen Sapi Peranakan Ongole | Rendi Fathoni Hadi, Kustantinah, dan Hari Hartadi | 2011 | Buletin Peternakan Fakultas Peternakan niversitas Gadjah Mada Vol. 35 (2) Halaman: 79-85 ISSN: 01264400 |
31 | Pengaruh Flushing Berbasis Pakan Lokal terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Birahi Kambing Kejobong Betina Dewasa | Socheh, M., Ismaya, I.G.S. Budisatria, dan Kustantinah | 2011 | Sains Peternakan Jurusan Peternakan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta Vol 9 No. 2 Halaman 53-64 |
32 | Improvement of Milk Production with Half Day Milking, a case Study of communal Goat Housing in Sukorejo, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. World Academie Science Engineering and Technology, 57, Germany. | Suranindyah, Y., Kustantinah, E.R. Ørskov. | 2009. | World Academie Science Engineering and Technology, 57, Germany |
33 | PenggunaanDaunKetelaPohon Di Dalam Ransum Untuk Mengatasi Endo Parasit PadaKambing Yang DipeliharaPeternak | Kustantinah, Y.D. Artikarini, H. Hartadi, dan W. Nurcahyo | 2008 | BuletinPeternakan Vol. 32(1):1-11, Februari 2008 FakultasPeternakan UGM Yogyakarta |
34 | Efekpengeringandenganwaktu yang berbedaterhadapkecernaan in Vitro Gliricidiamaculata, | Kustantinah, H.Hartadi, B.Suhartanto,Soemitro P, R.Utomo, LM.Yusisti, dan A.Agus. | 2007. | Buletin Peternakan Vol 31(4) Fakultas Peternakan UGM Yogyakarta. |
35 | Sintesis Protein MikrobaSapiPerahPeranakanFriesian Holstein yang diberiPakan Basal Rumput Raja, JeramiJagungdanJeramiPadidenganSuplementasiKonsentrat Protein Tinggi. Agrobisnis, volume 19(1). Berkala Penelitian Pasca Sarjana Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian. U G M | A.Yulianti, H.Hartadi, Kustantinah A, dan M. Soejono. | 2006. | Agrobisnis, volume 19(1). Berkala Penelitian Pasca Sarjana Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian. Universitas Gadjah Mada. |
36 | DistribusiPendapatanPeternakPenggaduhKambingBligon di Gombang, Ponjong, KabupatenGunungkidul. | Nimas Resmita Kawuriaji, Sudi Nurtini, dan Kustantinah. | 2006. | Buletin of Animal Science. Fac. of Animal Science, GadjahMada University, Yogyakarta. |
No | Tahun | Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat | Pendanaan | |
Sumber | Jumlah ( Rp) | |||
1 | 2017 | Penerapan Hijauan pakan sebagai Abthelmentik Alami pada kambing di KWT di dusun Banyusoco, Playen, Gunungkidul | Pasca Sarjana Fakultas Peternakan UGM | 10.000.000,- |
2 | 2016-2018 | Pengembangan Kambing Bligon sebagai modal usaha petani peternak di Dusun Jatikuning, Kabupaten Gunungkidul Yogyakarta dan Dusun Ngelosari serta Kembangsari, KabupatenBantul Yogyakarta | Kerjasama UGM-Rotary Club of Yogyakarta | Sekitar 600 juta ( 3 Tahun) |
3 | 2017 | Studi Penggunaan Pakan tambahan Sumber protein pada kambing kacang | Hibah Laboratorium | 10.000.000,- |
4 | 2013-2015 | Increasing rural family income through livestock development (Pengabdiutama) | Orskov Foundation, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, UK | 45 juta per tahun |
5 | 2014 | Penggunaan Total Mixed Ration Pada Kambing Kacang di Dusun Wonolagi. | DIPA Fapet UGM | 7.500.000 |
6 | 2003 | Thema: Poveryt alleviation using small ruminants as a model | Rotary club-UGM | 50 juta |
7 | 2011-saat ini | PengembanganKambing PE di DesaTurgo, kecamatanPakembinangun, Kab. Sleman | Orskov Foundation, Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen, UK | 25 Juta |
No. | Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah /Seminar | Judul Artikel Ilmiah | Waktu dan Tempat |
1 | The 2nd International conference on Animal Nutrition and Enveronment (ANI-NUE 2017) | Energy, VFA, and A/P Ratio of Kacang Goat Fed Total Mixed Ration Containing Defferent Treatments of Soybean Meal | 1 – 4 November 2017, Khon Kaen Thailand |
2 | The 2nd International conference on Animal Nutrition and Enveronment (ANI-NUE 2017) | Formaldehyde Protected Soybean Meal in Total Maxed Ration for Kacang Goat to Increase the Production | 1 – 4 November 2017, Khon Kaen Thailand |
3 | The 7 th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production, | Feed Fvaluation based on Gas Production of Twelve Tropical Feedstuffs | September 12-14, Yogyakarta, ISBN : 978-979-1215-29-9, Website :, penulis ke 1 dari 6 |
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4 | The 7 th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production, | The Effect of Ruminally Undergradable Protein Using Formaldehyde on the Nitrogen Balance and Productivity of Kacang Goat | September 12-14, Yogyakarta, ISBN : 978-979-1215-29-9, Website :, penulis 2 dari 5 |
| |
5 | The 7 th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production, | Restriction Enzyme Mapping of MC4R Gene in Bligon Goat Using Bioedit Program. | September 12-14, Yogyakarta, ISBN : 978-979-1215-29-9, Website :, penulis |
6 | The 1st UGM International Coference on Tropical Agriculture (ICTA) 2016 | Edible Portion of Carcass and Offals of Indonesian Yearling Kacang Buck Fed Ruminally Undegradable Protein | 25-26 Oktober 2016, Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
7 | The 1st UGM International Coference on Tropical Agriculture (ICTA) 2016 | Feed Evaluation based on Tanin Content and Gas Production of Twelve Tropical Feedstuff | 25-26 Oktober 2016, Eastparc Hotel, Yogyakarta, Indonesia |
8 | The 3rd Animal Production International Seminar and The 3rd ASEAN Regional Conference on Animal Production Enhancing Synergistic Roles of Stakeholders for Development of Sustainable Livestock Production 3rd APIS and 3rd ARCAP-2016 | Identification of Single nucleotide polimorphism of melanocortin 4 receptor gene in bligon goat | 19-21 Oktober 2016, Royal Orchid Garden, Batu, Indonesia |
9 | The 17th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Fukuoka, Japan (Agustus 2016) | Nutritional Status of Kacang Goats Fed Ruminally Undegradable Protein to Improve Their Productivity | Agustus 2016, Fukuoka, Jepang |
| |
10 | Simposium Nasional, Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Tropik, Tahun 2016. ISSN 978-979-1215-28-2(penulis 1 dr 5) | Konsumsi dan Kecernaan Nutrien Pada Kambing Kacang Yang Mendapat Pakan Tambahan Sumber Protein Di Kelompok Wanita Sumber Rejeki, Wonolagi, Gunungkidul | November 2016 |
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11 | SIMPOSIUM NASIONAL Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Tropik | Potensi dan Produksi Hijauan Pakan Ternak Di Lahan Pertanian Banyusoco Playen, Gunungkidul (Penulis ke 6 dari 9) | November 2016 |
| |
12 | The 6 Th ISSTAP, Simposium Nasional ISBN 978 – 979 -1215-28-2, | Karakteristik eksterior dan ukuran Tubuh induk Kambing Bligon di desa Banyusoco, Gunung kidul, Yogyakarta (Penulis ke 4 dari 5) | November 2016 |
| |
13 | The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Gadjah Mada University (November 2014) | Anthelmintic Efficacy of Gliricidia Sepium, Callaindra Calothyrsus and Artocarpus Heterophyllus by In Vitro Measurement Againts Haemonchus Contortus Worm | 2014, UGM, Indonesia |
14 | The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Gadjah Mada University (November 2014) | The Effectivity Formaldehyde Dillution as Protein Protector on Gaseous Production of High Protein Feedstuffs. | 2014, UGM, Indonesia |
15 | SAADC, China | Goat Farming and Livelihood of Small HolederFermers in Indonesia | 2013, China |
16 | UGM Indonesia | KontrolparasitmenggunakanhijauanpadakambingBligonbetina | 2013, UGM, Indonesia |
17 | The 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Thailand (November 2012) | The Effect of Soymilk by Product Supplemented in the Ration on Growth Performance of Male Broiler Chicken. | 2012, Thailand |
18 | The 15th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Thailand (November 2012) | The Effect of Using Dried Distillers Grain with Soluble (DDGS) with Lower Energy in Feed on Carcass, Abdomen Fat and Liver of Broiler | 2012, Thailand |
19 | British Society of Animal Science Conference, Belfast, Ireland,UK. | Daryatmo,J., Hartadi,H, Orskov,E.R., Kustantinah Adiwimarta, W.Nurcahyo.2010. In vitro screening of various forages for anthelmintic activity on Haemonchuscontortus eggs. Proceedings British Society of Animal Science Conference, Belfast, Ireland, UK | Irlandia, 2010 |
20. | British Society of Animal Science Conference, Belfast, Ireland,UK. | Utilisation of cassava leaf and carica papaya leaf as feeds and anthelmintics for goats. Proceedings British Society of Animal Science Conference, Belfast, Ireland,UK. | Irlandia 2010 |
No. | Judul tulisan | Tim Penulis | Tahun & Tempat | Penyelenggara |
1 | Feed Fvaluation based on Gas Production of Twelve Tropical Feedstuffs | Kustantinah, Edwin Indarto, Zuprizal, Cuk Tri Novoadi, Nanung DD, Fajar Aji M | September 2017, Yogyakarta | The 7 th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production |
| |
2 | The Effect of Ruminally Undergradable Protein Using Formaldehyde on the Nitrogen Balance and Productivity of Kacang Goat | R. Adiwinarti, Kustantinah, IGS Budisatria, Rusman, E. Indarto | September 2017, Yogyakarta | The 7 th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production |
| |
3 | Restriction Enzyme Mapping of MC4R Gene in Bligon Goat Using Bioedit Program. | Latifah, DA Priyadi, D.Maharani, Kustantinah, dan T Hartatik | September 2017, Yogyakarta | The 7 th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production |
| |
4 | Potensi dan Produksi Hijauan Pakan Ternak Di Lahan Pertanian Banyusoco Playen, Gunungkidul (Penulis ke 6 dari 9) | Nafiatul Umami, E Damayanti, Ristianto, B Suhartanto, Lies Mira, Kustantinah | November 2016 | SIMPOSIUM NASIONAL Penelitian dan Pengembangan Peternakan Tropik |
| Chusnul Hanim, Zainal B, Muhlisin |
| |
5 | Genetic Variation and Phylogenetic Tree of Indonesia domestic Goat , penulis ke 2 dari 4. | Tety Hartatik, Kustantinah, Ristianto Utomo dan Lies Mira Y | Oct 20-22, 2015 | The 6 Th ISSTAP , Oct 20-22, 2015, Seminar Internasional, ISBN 978 – 979 -1215-26-8 |
| |
6 |
The Effectivity Formaldehyde Dillution as Protein Protector on Gaseous Production of High Protein Feedstuffs. |
Kustantinah, Nanung Danar Dono, Zuprizal E. Indarto, Bramaji Wisnu, A. Iskandar |
UGM 2014
The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Gadjah Mada University (November 2014) |
| |
7 | Anthelmintic Efficacy of Gliricidia Sepium, Callaindra Calothyrsus and Artocarpus Heterophyllus by In Vitro Measurement Againts Haemonchus Contortus Worm | Kustan tinah, W. Setyono, N.D. Dono, E.R.Ørskov
| UGM 2014
| The 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress, Gadjah Mada University (November 2014) |
| |
8 | Kontro lparasit menggunakan hijauan pada kambing Bligon betina | WahyuSetyono, Kustantinah, Edwin Indarto, NanungDanarDono, Zuprizal, EndangBaliarti | 2013 |
Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan, UGM |
9 | Goat Farming and Livelihood of Small HolederFermers in Indonesia | Kustantinah, D. A. Astuti, E.r. Ørskov | 2013 |
SAADC, China |
| The effect of goat-sharing system on the performance of farmer groups raising etawah cross bred goats – a case study in ‘Sukorejo’, Girikerto, Turi, Sleman | Yuni Suranindyah, Kustantinah, and E. R. Orskov | 2011 |
10 | Utilisation of cassava leaf and carica papaya leaf as feeds and anthelmintics for goats. Proceedings British Society of Animal Science Conference, Belfast, Ireland,UK. | K. Adiwimarta, J.Daryatmo, Ørskov,E.R., Mayes, R., W.Nurcahyo. | 2010. | British Society of Animal Science Conference, Belfast, Ireland,UK.
11 | Daryatmo,J., Hartadi,H, Orskov,E.R., K. Adiwimarta, W.Nurcahyo.2010. In vitro screening of various forages for anthelmintic activity on Haemonchuscontortus eggs. Proceedings British Society of Animal Science Conference, Belfast, Ireland, UK. | Daryatmo,J., Hartadi,H, Orskov,E.R., K. Adiwimarta, W.Nurcahyo. | 2010. | British Society of Animal Science Conference, Belfast, Ireland,UK.
12 | Evaluation of Cassava Product Through in Vitro Gas Production and Their content on Anti nutritional Factor. The XIIIth Asian-Australian Animal Pruduction Society Conggres Hanoi, Vietnam
| Kustantinah, H. Hartadi, N. Danardono and R. Fithraya. | 2008. | The XIIIth Asian-Australian Animal Prudtcion Society Conggres Hanoi, Vietnam |
13 | Comparison Of Various Feed Samples Preparation Method For In Vitro Gas Test. The XIII th Asian-Australian Animal Pruduction Society Conggress, Hanoi, Vietnam
| Kustantinah, ER. Ørskov, Hari Hartadi and J. Daryatmo. 2008. | 2008 | The XIIIth Asian-Australian Animal Prudtcion Society Conggres Hanoi, Vietnam |
14 | Joko Daryatmo, Kustantinah, E.R.Orskov, Hari Hartadi and Wisnu Nurcahyo. 2008. Nutrition Potential of Various Forages that Contain Active Compound and Their Effectiveness as Anti Parasite. The XIII th Asian-Australian Animal Production Society Conggress, Hanoi, Vietnam
| Joko Daryatmo, Kustantinah, E.R.Ørskov, Hari Hartadi and Wisnu Nurcahyo. | 2008. | The XIII th Asian-Australian Animal Production Society Conggress, Hanoi, Vietnam |
15 | Pengaruh suplementasi pada pakan basal rumput raja terhadap kinerja kambing Bligon yang dipelihara KWT Lestari, Dusun Kwarasan, Kecamatan Nglipar, Kabupaten Gunungkidul. Proceeding Seminar Nasional AINI VI. Bagian Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.
| Kustantinah, H. Hartadi, dan R. S. Irwansyah. | 2007. | Proceeding Seminar Nasional AINI VI. Bagian Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta.
16. | Komposisi kimia dan evaluasi kecernaan secara in vitro Gliricidia di panen pada umur 6 dan 8 minggu setelah pemangkasan..
| Kustantinah, H. Hartadi. B. Suhartanto, dan B.C. Adi. | 2007. | Proceeding Seminar Nasional AINI VI. Bagian Nutrisi dan Makanan Ternak Fakultas Peternakan UGM, Yogyakarta |
17 | Peningkatan Pendapatan Masyarakat Melalui Pengembangan Peternakan Suatu Studi di Kabupaten Karanganyar. 2007. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Dalam Rangka Dies Natalis ke 38 Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
| Kustantinah, A.Agus, B.Guntoro, B.Suhartanto, C.T.Noviandi, N. Umami, N. Ngadiono, I.G.S. Budisatria, S.Bintara, S. Nurtini, S. Padmowijoto, S. Triadmodjo, T. Hartatik, C. Hanim, dan E. Sulastri. | 2007. | Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta.
18 | Livestock extension system : A Model to empowering urban people for increasing domestic income. 2007. Makalah dipresentasikan pada Konggres Ilmu Pengetahuan Nasional (KIPNAS) IX LIPI di Mercure Convention Centre Jakarta. | Kustantinah. | 2007. | Konggres Ilmu Pengetahuan Nasional (KIPNAS) IX LIPI di Mercure Convention Centre Jakarta.
19 | The effect of KetepengCina Leaf as a source of anthaquinone on the cellulolytic degradation, volatile fatty acids and methane production by in vitro microbial rumen fermentation In: Enzymes Industrial and Medical Prospects. ASEAN Biochemistri Seminar. Surabaya. | L. M. Yusiati, Z. Bachrudin, Sugiyanto, Kustantinah, and C. Hanim. | 2006. |
20 | Animal Production Through Women’s Group-goat-Sharing Scheme In: Animal Production and Sustainable Agriculture in The Tropic. The 4th International Seminar on Tropical Animal Production. Fac. of Animal Science GadjahMada University, Yogyakarta.
| Kustantinah, E. R. Orskov, H. Hartadi, A. Agus, B. Suhartanto, R. Utomo, N. Danardono, L.M. Yusiati, E. Indarto, C.T. Noviandi, S. Nurtini, K.A. Santoso, and M. Lomax. | 2006. | Fac. of Animal Science GadjahMada University, Yogyakarta |
21 | Supplementation of protein feed to variation of roughage basal feed on the performance of Bligon goats. Symposium on Goat Production, Vietnam.
| Kustantinah, H Hartadi, L. M. Yusiati, R. Utomo, A. Agus, B. Suhartanto, F. Holil. E. Dahono., | 2005. | Proceedings International Workshop on Small Ruminant Production and Development in South East Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam |
22 | Animal production through women’s group – goat – sharing scheme. Symposium on Goat Production, Vietnam,
| Kustantinah, E.R.Orskov, H. Hartadi, A. Agus, B. Suhartanto, N. Danardono, E. Indarto, S. Nurtini, K.A Santosa, M. Lomax. | 2005. | Proceedings International Workshop on Small Ruminant Production and Development in South East Asia, Hanoi, Vietnam |
23 | Proceeding Seminar Nasional AINI III. UniversitasBrawijaya, Malang.
| Kustantinah, A.N. Wibowo, H.Hartadi, B. Suhartanto, S. Padmowijoto, R. Utomo, L. Yusiati, A.Agus. Nanung DD, E.Indarto, C.Tri Noviandi. | 2005. | FakultasPeternakanUniversitasBrawijaya, Malang |
24 | Duodenal flows rate in Frisien Holstein grade cow fed forage and supplement. British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
| Kustantinah, B. Suhartanto, S. Padmowijoto, M. Frederizk. | 2005. | British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
25 | Effect of drying process of cassava leaves on its degradability. British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
| Kustantinah, E. R. Ørskov, M. A. Lomax, B. Suhartanto, Soemitro P.W, H. Hartadi, and S. Zubaidah.
| 2005. | British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
26 | Duodenal flows rate in Friesien Holstein grade cow fed forage and supplement. Proceedings Integrating Livestock – Crop System to Meet the Challenges of Globalisation. Volume 2 AHAT/BSAS International Conference, KhonKaen, Thailand.
| Kustantinah, B.Suhartanto, S.Padmowijoto, and M.Frederizk. | 2005. | International Conference, KhonKaen, Thailand. British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
27 | The contribution of agriculture waste and by-product to provide feed for Etawah Crossed goats. British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
| Suranindyah, Y., Kustantinah, E. R. Orskov, and D. Miller. | 2005. | British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
28 | The characteristics of goat production in the upland area of Yogyakarta. British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
| Suranindyah, Y., Kustantinah, E. R. Orskov, and D. Miller. | 2005. | British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
29 | Conservation and utilization of cassava for Bligon goats. British Society Animal Science Congress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
| Kustantinah, H. Hartadi, B.Suhartanto, R. Utomo, L. M. Yusiati, A. Agus, N. Danardono, E. Indarto, D. Widyastuti, A. N. Wibowo, and S. Zubaidah. | 2005. | British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
30 | Community group established as a result of Higher Link activities between GadjahMada University, Indonesia, Macaulay Institute and Aberdeen University, Scotland. British Council Higher education Link celebrations, Vietnam.
| 2005. | British Council Higher education Link celebrations, Vietnam.
31 | Evaluation of a Women’s Group Goat-Sharing Scheme in Java, Indonesia. 2005. British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
| Santosa, K. A., S. Untari, Kustantinah, and S. Nurtini. | 2005. | British Society Animal Science Conggress, KhonKaen, Thailand.
No. | Judul tulisan | Tim Penulis | Tahun | Penerbit |
1. | Kapita Selekta Dunia Peternakan: Pakan dan Potensi Pengembangan Ruminansia di Indonesia (Editor dan Penulis ke 4 dari 8) | Djoko Soetrisno, Ristianto Utomo, Ali Agus, Kustantinah, Nono Ngadiyono, Endang Baliarti, Ismaya, Sudi Nurtini Editor: Kustantinah
2013/ Halaman: |
GAMA PRESS ISBN 9794208124 |
2. | Beternak Kambing. (Mandiri) Edisi ke II. | Kustantinah I.S.Adiwimarta | 2013/ Halaman : | ISBN 978979348399 |
3. | Pengukuran Kualitas Pakan Sapi | Kustantinah I.S Adiwimarta | 2012/Halaman: | ISBN 6022340348 |
4. | Plasma Nutfah Kambing di Indonesia. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta(Penulis ke 4 dari 6) |
| 2009 | ISBN. 978979121515 |
5. | Beternak Kambing. (Mandiri) | Kustantinah I.S Adiwimarta | 2007 (Halaman: 44) | ISBN. 978979348399 |
6. | Modul Pakan untuk Kambing. Fakultas Peternakan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta(Penulis 1 dari 13 |
| 2006 | ISBN. 9789791215015 |
Anggota Tim Keamanan Hayati Bidang Keamanan Pakan, Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup (2011-2013)
Membina Kelompok Wanita Tani di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul dan Kabupaten Sleman sejak tahun 2000, mendapatkan Award: